There is nothing more effective in correcting dental problems than getting cosmetic dentistry treatments. Most of those who experience dental problems like misaligned teeth, gaps, and crowding find wearing orthodontic braces helpful. Though braces can effectively fix such issues, you will have to wear them for months to two years. This can make you feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. Why endure such long months of hassle if there are other ways to correct such dental issues? One faster and more effective solution to gaps, crowding, and misalignment issues that Boston cosmetic dentists recommend is veneer. 

Veneer is a popular part of cosmetic dentistry in Boston that can help provide you with a radiant, picture-perfect, and pretty smile. Veneers are custom-made thin shells made from either composite raisin or porcelain. They are attached to the teeth to correct issues like a stain, misalignment, chip, and gap. Veneers can’t just enhance your smile but they can also help boost your self-esteem. 

However, to ensure that your veneers always look their best and will last longer, you need to take good care of them. Here are some tips from the best cosmetic dentist in Boston on how you can keep your veneers always look beautiful. 

Follow the proper way of brushing and flossing

Brushing and flossing can be quite challenging if you have veneers. If you don’t know how to properly brush and floss your teeth or if you do them aggressively or forcefully, you may cause your veneers to crack or break. Also, using abrasive toothpaste can damage the surface of the veneers. Ask your dentist about the frequency and proper way of brushing and flossing around your new veneers.

Don’t chew or bite hard materials

Even the best veneers in Boston that are known for their durability and strength still have the tendency to break or crack when used in chewing or biting hard materials. Instead of putting too much pressure and unnecessary stress on your veneers when chewing hard food items like tough meat, raw apples, hard guava, meat bone, and hard chips, use your molars at the back of your mouth. Also, don’t bite on hard materials like plastic items, pen tops, and bottle caps to avoid breaking the veneers attached to your teeth. 

Maintain proper oral hygiene

Just like natural teeth, veneers are also prone to staining and tartar and plaque buildup especially when not cleaned regularly and properly. To prevent staining and buildup of tartar and plaque, you need to maintain proper oral hygiene. 

Proper oral hygiene typically includes flossing, brushing, or rinsing with mouthwash at least twice a day or after every meal. While this may be enough, your dentist in Boston MA may provide you with additional pointers. 

Never use your teeth as a tool

Regardless of whether you have a veneer or not, it is not a good idea to use your teeth as a tool to open a beer bottle or to twist off a stubborn screw. Doing so will only hurt your teeth and damage your veneers. 

Be careful with what you eat

To maintain a healthy body, you need to watch what you eat. More so if you have veneers. You need to be careful with what you eat if you want your veneers to look good and last long. Avoid foods that are rich in acid and sugar as they can contribute to tooth decay. 

Also limit your intake of starchy foods like crackers and pastas, carbonated soda, sugary fruit juices, and acidic fruits like citrus. As much as possible, avoid taking foods and drinks with lots of coloring. Though veneers don’t get stained easily, they are still subject to discoloration. If you eat these food items, make sure to wash them off as soon as possible so they won’t linger longer on your oral cavity and cause decay. 


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