Different Covid Testing Options Available in Boston

The coronavirus pandemic has flipped the world upside down. It made the once lively and active cities seem like a hunted town. The pandemic has altered every aspect of our lives and our community, affecting not only how we live our daily lives but also our security, economy, work, and businesses, to name a few. As the number of positive cases and fatalities increase day by day, people are getting more anxious and fearful. Simply thinking that the people you come in contact with may possibly be a carrier of the virus is enough to make you get worried about you and your family’s safety. 

Covid testing in Boston

Fortunately, there are ways to know if a person is infected or not. Aside from checking for COVID-19 signs and symptoms, laboratory tests can also help you know if a suspected covid case is positive or not. If you are wondering what these laboratory tests are, we have here two of the most commonly used and most reliable Covid-19 tests available in Boston- the antibody test and diagnostic test.

Diagnostic test

A diagnostic test is a type of Boston covid testing method that tells whether an individual has an active coronavirus infection or not. This method is further classified into different types the antigen tests and the molecular tests.

Antigen Test

The antigen test, often referred to as rapid test, can detect active infection by looking for any protein fragments specific to the SARS-CoV-2. Unlike the molecular test, the antigen rapid Covid test in Boston delivers faster results but is less reliable. Oftentimes, a molecular test is needed to confirm the results of the antigen test. It has a turnaround time of at least 15 minutes to a few hours. You can get this test from a private hospital or from a public health institution that offers free Covid testing in Boston.

Molecular Test

The molecular test can detect signs of an active infection such as the genetic material of the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. An example of this test is the RT-PCR or polymerase chain reaction test. This method of Covid testing in Boston yields a highly accurate result. The molecular test is known as the most sensitive way to detect an active infection even if you don’t exhibit any symptoms. The molecular test can’t detect whether or not you had a past infection, though.

Rapid Covid test in Boston

The molecular test is done by collecting a sample of the mucus on your throat or nose with the use of a 6-inch specialized cotton swab known as nasopharyngeal swab. The turnaround time for molecular tests is approximately 24 hours to 3 days or longer depending on the demand. 

Antibody test

The antibody test, also known as serology test, is a type of test that detects any antibodies that are developed by your immune system when you get infected with COVID-19. This test can identify two kinds of antibodies- IgM (the antibodies that are developed at around 2 weeks) and IgG (the antibodies that are made by the body for around 4 weeks).

The antibody test is done by taking a blood sample. Though this test detects the presence of the antibodies that can help fight off infection, it can’t be used as a basis to diagnose COVID-19. The presence of antibodies in the blood cannot also guarantee that you are already immune to the virus. 


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