Root Canal Treatment: Why and How It Is Done?
No matter how hard you try to take good care of your oral health, you can’t be hundred percent sure that you will not experience any dental problems. Also, not all dental problems can easily be diagnosed with just a simple routine inspection done even by the best dentist in Boston like in the case of deep decay. Deep tooth decay is a cavity that is caused when the acid produced by the oral bacteria eats away the tooth. Most often, you only feel the pain when the cavity is already in its advanced stage, or perhaps it has already spread to your other teeth. Left untreated, tooth decay can lead to infection, irritation, or inflammation on the pulp of the teeth which may cause extreme pain. The pulp is the part of the teeth that houses sensitive nerves, connective tissues, and blood vessels. The pulp is contained inside the pulp chamber which is the hallowed part at the center of each tooth. The pulp canal is extended through the roots of the teeth and the surrounding bone as well. Th...